Templates are files that will be transformed by Mr. Smith into Go templates to generate the final files for a scaffolding process.
The variables for templates in Mr. Smith are classified into two types:
data: variables passed in the data property of a file in the
field tree within a builder. Usage:.data.variableName
global: global variables, meaning they can be used in all templates. They are defined once in the
property inside a builder. Usage:.global.variableName
Template files in Mr. Smith can accept any text file extension. However, it is advisable to use one of the extensions below to have Syntax Highlighting in your IDE.
Recommended extensions: *.go.txt, *.go.tpl, *.go.tmpl, *.gtpl, *.tpl.
Simple example:
package main
import ( "fmt")
func main() { fmt.Println("{{.global.msg}}") fmt.Println("{{ .data.msg }}")}
package main
import ( "fmt")
func main() { fmt.Println("I am a global variable") fmt.Println("I am a local variable")}
Advanced example:
// templates/DTO.gptl{{- range .data.properties -}}{{$ref := getRefFrom . }}{{- if not $ref }}{{if getRefFrom .items}}{{$ref = getRefFrom .items}}{{- end}}{{- end}}{{- if $ref }}import { {{ toPascalCase $ref }} } from './{{ toSnakeCase $ref }}'{{- end -}}{{- end -}}{{"\n"}}{{- if .data.description }}// {{ .data.description }}{{- end }}export type {{ toPascalCase .data.name }} = { {{- range $name, $prop := .data.properties}} {{- if $prop.description }} // {{ $prop.description }} {{- end }} {{ $name }}{{- if not $prop.required -}}?{{- end -}}: {{- block "TypeResolver" $prop }}{{end}} {{- end}}}
import { Category } from './category'import { Tag } from './tag'
export type Pet = { category?: Category id?: number name?: string photoUrls?: string[] status?: "available" | "pending" | "sold" tags?: Tag[]}
To learn more about text templates and how to use them with Mr. Smith, visit the link: Text Templates in Go